Does runs really pay? I mean does it pay, like financially? Like the street is crawling with sweet teenage girls craving crazy lifestyles and attention, girls who parade their naked bodies for free just to catch man's gaze, some even drop nudes on social media to get the buzz and alot of well placed men patronizing them yet, this girls are still broke why? After the sex, after the nude show, after the parties and hook ups, why are they still broke? As in broke? Still wear cheap makeover, cheap infinix/tekno phones with that shine shine pouch, snapchat videos in an dry room, low budget cloths, fake gucci, fake prada, fake wigs no brazilian, yet this said girls get picked up in flashy cars, hit the best clubs, drink the best wine, get used in the most expensive hotels, so why are they still broke? Like too broke to change their body creams in time, too broke to replace their wardrobe, too broke to restyle their hair, too broke to star...