Veteran comic actor, Babatunde Omidina, popularly known as Baba Suwe, has passed away. He was 63. The prolific Nigerian actor gave up the ghost on Monday November 22, after a long battle with an undisclosed illness. His son, Adesola Omidina confirmed the sad news in a short statement he issued via his Instagram page. He wrote: This is to announce the sudden death of my father Mr. Babatunde Omidina. The legend and rare gem “ Babasuwe “ 11/22/21 Other details will follow shortly! May your soul rest in perfect peace Dad. Signed: Adesola Omidina 11/22/21 Born on August 22, 1958, he was married to comedienne Omoladun Omidina, who died in September 2009. Baba Suwe dominated the Yoruba movie industry for decades, featured in several movies, and won several awards.