The Borno Police Command has arrested a 25-year-old housewife, Fatima Abubakar, for allegedly killing her husband, Goni Abbah with poison. The Commissioner Of Police, Mr Abdu Umar, who disclosed this to the News men in Maiduguri, on Sunday, October 30, said that the suspect was arrested on October 19 by men of the Command at Anguwan Doki. Umar said that the victim, who was the Chief Imam of the area, returned from the mosque when the suspect, who was the second wife, allegedly mixed poison in his food. The CP explained that as soon as Goni started eating, his condition deteriorated. According to him, the victim was immediately rushed to the State Specialist Hospital where he was given emergency medical attention, but unfortunately, he later died when they returned home. The commisioner of Police immediately deployed men of the Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department to arrest the suspect after the incident was reported by the family of the victim at the GRA Police Station. ...