The first of her kind, queen in reign, Little Miss Royal Empire Nigeria had her pet project on Monday, the 10th day of July 2023, @Ideal International School, Narayi Kaduna. The Little queen accompanied by the CEO of Royal Empire Specialty Projects,Mr Omenuwa SamChuks alongside His Management Team visited the aforementioned school and sensitized the girls on the importance of MENSTRUAL HYGIENE. The sensitization was effectively carried out by the team’s resource person…Nurse Ejiro Udonwa. Furthermore, menstrual pads and customized exercise books were evenly distributed to the students. Conclusively, HRM Queen Chimeremma George urged her fellow students to always observe proper menstrual hygiene as failure to do so poses unhealthy threats to their health. See More Photos After the Cut... GOD BLESS THE QUEEN... GOD BLESS ROYAL EMPIRE FAMILY... GOD BLESS THE CEO SAM CHUKS...