Title: #JejeTv Singing Challenge kicks off today! (See Prices + Details) #JejetvSingingChallenge @JejetvDotCom
# JejetvSingingChallenge kicks off today!... Jejetv.com promotions company is collaborating with influential PRs, S/M Broadcasting bodies, Curtis Visuals, Exalts Designs, XpinoMedia Lagos, @Etimanews @Nairapp, and other able bodies to execute an effective promotion for the overall winner of the challenge. TV stations will be included after the first 5 are selected. The winner also gets an Online TV interview plus full two weeks sponsored promotion on YouTube and other social medi a and many more... The aim is to put one of KD's on the map!.. Competition close 30th July.. See poster above for details.. # JejetvSingingChallenge # JejetvAmebo # Xpino # xpinomedia # Nairapp # Etimanews IG: @JejetvDotCom # ExaltDesign # CurtisVisual