ABOUT: Namu Education Enlightenment and Advocacy Enterprise is a non profit social enterprise that is focused on attaining sustainable development goals, through creativity, innovation and technology.
Established in 2017 and registered with the Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission with registration number 2665254.
We are a team made up of students, teachers, social workers, entrepreneurs, writers, journalist, lawyers and health workers that are passionate about development and are purposefully driving progress toward one or more of the SDGs.
INTRODUCTION: On 25 September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 agenda for sustainable development which includes a set of 17 goals and targets to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.
The sustainable development goals are the most ambitious development agenda to date.
Attaining these goals and meeting the development needs require substantial resource commitments with the development funding landscape changing rapidly, charity models are no longer sufficient
There's a need to identify and tap into non traditional and innovative sources.
GOAL: Our goal is to aid the provision of quality education, enhance healthy living, promote entrepreneurship to accelerate empowerment, promote peaceful and inclusive society and enable advocacy for sustainable growth and development in communities.
•To train women and youth through educational support programs, skill acquisition and entrepreneurship development.
•Medical outreach and enlightenment Campaign on vulnerable diseases.
•Mobilization of women and youth to engage in good sanitation and hygiene.
•Training of women and youth on food preservation, water purification and waste management techniques.
•Creating media awareness and enlightenment campaign on hand wash therapy and open defacation to avoid spread of common diseases.
•Facilitating fireside chat and meet ups for entrepreneurs to offer entrepreneurial opportunities on job creation and investments.
•Facilitating seminars and workshops on inter-faith, peace and conflict resolution.
•creating awareness on advocacy campaign to stop threats of violence against women and children, human trafficking and sexual exploitation.
MISSION: our mission is to leverage creativity, technology and innovations to drive sustainable development goals to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.
OUR VISION: we envision a transformed, empowered and sustainable society, where everyone has equal access to SDGs.
•community development
Community outreach.
Community mobilization.
Meet ups and fire side chat.
Onsite and offsite training.
Radio Engagement.
Data collection.
Creating all social media platforms to provide information on SDGs.
Developing engaging, creative and innovative content for regularly scheduled post to promote and enlighten the society about the SDGs
Collaboration with the appropriate organizations or agencies on ways we can leverage technology to attain the SDGs.
Collaboration with stakeholders on sanitation, waste management and open defecation.
Collaboration with media on Enlightenment.
Partnership with Govt agencies, NGOs and private companies on entrepreneurship development.
Collaboration with appropriate agencies, NGO's, CSOs on education, advocacy and campaign.
To bridge the information gap by empowering communities with necessary information that promote awareness and enlightenment on sustainable development.
Empowering communities to enable them solve social and economic problems leveraging on entrepreneurship and employable skills.
Ensuring communities have access to education, hhealthcare, clean water and hygiene.
Driving sustainable inclusive growth in communities.
Accelerating progress towards the SDGs
Communities across Kaduna State.