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NIGHTWALKER by PERFECT-C ABBA a Southern Kaduna Christain Hip Hop Artists is a spokenword (peotry) that expresses the plight of the ongoing Chongai (southern kaduna) Extermination process. In Anticipation for his E.P F.P.A.G (Forget ur Past Achieve a Goal) he wrote this piece. The killings of the Natives in southern kaduna is so serious with no one to agitate for them. Perfect-C was born and brought up in Kafanchan Atyap by tribe.. Using punchlines like "i told him to watch my 6 while i watch his 9 "in the year 1001+1010" Nightwalker isn't just a melodious Spokenword or peotry but its a cry for revival and Awakening.
THE NIGHTWALKER (tales of the chongai extermination process).