Fast-rising Kannywood singer, Ahmad Danja, released his highly anticipated single titled ‘Rahama Sadau’ today. The track is an ode to the embattled Kannywood star actress, Rahama Sadau. In an exclusive chat with PREMIUM TIMES, Ahmad, who is the younger brother of a popular northern entertainer, Sani Danja, opened up on his love and admiration for Sadau. “I met Rahama Sadau twice at the Film House, Kano, before her expulsion and ever since I felt so connected to her. In fact, being a singer, I immediately told her that I was planning to release a single in her honour. Anyone who listens to the track will immediately tell how much I like her and her acting skills. Thankfully, she gave me her consent. ” I wrote and sang the song myself and I have now officially released it for Sadau’s fans and my fans. The song has caught on like wild fire because it has gone viral. The feedback has been amazing and because I like Sadau, I can do even more than that just r...